My Feminine Week

This has been an exciting week, with exciting things to share.

I was interviewed this week by the Amazing Vanessa Halloum on her Blog Talk Radio Show, Feminine Soul Radio.

It’s a wonderful, 30-minute interview and was picked as a Staff Choice for this week!

We go into Soulful Topics like:

  • Why the Goddess was suppressed for thousands of years
  • What impact this has on us as women and our leadership today
  • Why women have a particular path to awakening based in the body
  • Practical steps you can take today to awaken into your feminine power

To check it out go Here.

I am also thrilled to introduce you to Vanessa’s Feminine Soul Community, an on-line network of women awakening the divine feminine in themselves and the world.

This is a wonderful resource if you want to be in an on-line community of support with other like-minded, amazing women!

And also this week, I’m featured in the online magazine: The Feminine Force Entrepreneur: for the Sensual Woman Warrior Ready to Shake Things Up and Make Money. Woohoo!

This on-line magazine was started by my friend Daphne Cohen, who I am always so impressed by in her authenticity and ability to say things like they are.

The Feminine Force Entrepreneur is for you if you’re ready to birth or grow a business built on passion, pleasure, sensuality and the power of your feminine energy.

Every week features a new goddess game changer with concrete, put-into-action-now, strategies. And this week I am your goddess game changer.

You can check it out here.

This is for the untamed, courageous, playful, gorgeous woman ready to quake and shake the planet!

And with that ladies, I wish you a delightful weekend of quaking and shaking :)

With Great LOVE,
